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Supporting charity projects of
local communities in Italy
and throughout the World

As a cooperative company with values based on mutuality and solidarity, Conserve Italia donates food products or financial contributions to several charity stakeholders: religious communities, or in the health sector, or parishes and sports clubs.  In particular, our pledge is to help local communities where the company is present both with its social base,  made up of farmers, and with its production factories.

We are happy to redistribute part of our production to people in need of help.

The production surplus may derive sometimes from unsaleable products, like product showing minor packaging defects, seasonal items or product close to its expiration date. In any case it generates  social value and environmental benefits: in fact, it prevents the goods from becoming waste and  producing pollution during transport, disposal and distruction.

The economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic considerably impacted the demand for food aid for needy families and Conserve Italia has increased its commitment in this front as well.

1. Food to nourish life

Banco Alimentare Emilia-Romagna Onlus Foundation

Empori Solidali  initiatives,  supporting families in a temporary situation of economic hardship,

Operation Mato Grosso  where  we support the local population

Aut also parish and diocesan Caritas, Misericordie, Red Cross, Agesci, Antoniano, Don Mario Campidori Foundation - Sympathy and Friendship - Onlus, Opera di Santa Teresa del Bambin Gesù, "Solidalitaly" of the Consorzio Italia del Gusto,  "Fill the empty plate" initiative of CEFA Onlus.…and many other projects.

2. Active and healthier lifestyle for tomorrow's adults

We sponsor the  A2 Series Basketball and youth teams on an ongoing basis

We help the Anderlini Volleyball School in Sassuolo (MO), an amateur sports social cooperative affiliated with the Italian Volleyball Federation

3. Respecting the environment, always and forever

We support Legambiente, a nationwide reference Institute dedicated to  environmental protection and sustainability: they are focused on circular economy, agroecology, ethical and sustainable agriculture and preventing climate change.

4. We sustain research for the health of everyone

We contribute financially to supporting research in particular through the I.O.R., Romagna Oncological Institute, which assists local patients and their families in the fight against cancer and which carries out scientific research and prevention to defeat this disease.

Also: Bimbo Tu Onlus, the association that supports pediatric neurosurgery and neuropsychiatry patients at the Bellaria hospital in Bologna

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Cirio corporate values

© 2021 Conserve Italia Soc. coop. agricola - Sede Legale: via Paolo Poggi 11 - 40068 San Lazzaro di Savena (BO) - C.F. 02858450584 - P.I. 00708311204 - Num. Iscr. Registro imprese di Bologna : 02858450584 - Credits