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join the taste

of italy

Italian cuisine is one of the oldest and most revered in the world; some of the dishes enjoyed around the world today, such as Polenta, remain almost unchanged from when they were originally prepared, for Roman soldiers, about 2000 years ago.



Originally brought from the Americas by European explorers, tomatoes (in Italian pomodori, i.e. 'apples of gold') were found to thrive in Italy’s climate and quickly flourished to become a common and very vital ingredient in everyday meals cooked by Italians.

The influence of tomatoes on Italian cuisine is unquestionable. They bring versatility, intense vibrant colour and deep flavours to enrich many dishes that still enjoy global popularity - from the finest restaurants to everyday home cooking - no product has defined Italian cuisine more than the tomato, and this is where the expertise of cirio is found.

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Cirio's Group

© 2021 Conserve Italia Soc. coop. agricola - Sede Legale: via Paolo Poggi 11 - 40068 San Lazzaro di Savena (BO) - C.F. 02858450584 - P.I. 00708311204 - Num. Iscr. Registro imprese di Bologna : 02858450584 - Credits